Stop by for more actions as we build to 99 and beyond:

  1. Read this great guide from Indivisible
  2. Check out the Resistance Calendar
  3. Don’t just complain to your friends, let Congress know how you feel.  Often.  When you disagree with them AND when you agree.  Write Reps here & Senators here.
  4. Tell state legislatures it’s time to get rid of the Electoral College.  We can make it happen, and we can do it without a Constitutional amendment, through an innovative approach known as the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
  5. Call Congress: (202)225-3121 will connect you to any member
  6. Donate to the ACLU, and help them fight back to defend our freedom.
  7. Share this post.  Tons of people are looking for a way to fight back, and need specific guidance.
  8. Run for office. School board, local council, dog catcher, etc.  Perilously few good people are doing this, and some frighteningly stupid people are winning as a result. (If you’re a young woman interested in running, check out Running Start)
  9. Take action online. Repeatedly, and on multiple issues.  Don’t let decision-makers just hear from one side.
  10. Keep a sense of humor.  It will keep you sane.  And it can be a very powerful way to communicate a message.
  11. Create your own fake Trump tweets. Use his favorite medium to mock him.
  12. Register to vote.  And then VOTE.
  13. Set a recurring weekly appointment in your calendar to contact Congress.
  14. Don’t get distracted by what he tweets.  He’s had a pattern of sending outrageous tweets to take attention away negative news about him.
  15. Keep up with the latest progressive news, for activism opportunities. Daily Kos and Talking Points Memo are particularly good sources (and consider making a donation to them as well, to help offset expenses, which can be very high with a high-traffic web site)
  16. Make a special effort to reach out to people in groups who may feel especially targeted by Trump’s rhetoric and actions.  Let them know they have support.
  17. Do you live in a very blue state, like New York or California?  Thinking about moving?  Think about moving to a purple/swing state, and help tip the balance!
  18. Push our elected officials to hold hearings on conflict of interest issues as outlined in the Constitution (see “Emoluments” clause) and move towards impeachment if action is not taken by Trump.
  19. Ask the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to investigate conflicts of interest in President Elect Trump’s business empire. Don’t call, use this web form: Put “End White House Corruption” in the subject line. Direct your post at: Chairman Chaffetz. Chaffetz is a conservative Mormon. He often speaks of the need for moral government. Don’t come across left; say “this is a compelling moral issue for our country”. Use terms he will recognize from his Mormon beliefs, such as: you have a moral obligation to your country and to your LDS testimony….The word “testimony” is key.
  20. In all of your communications with Congress, point out that the Democrats won by over 2 million votes. There is no mandate here, and they need to serve the needs of ALL Americans.
  21. If you see news stories that are “normalizing” the Trump regime, see if the reporter has an email listed. If they do, send the reporter an email about this.
  22. Donate to the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC). These folks are a savvy group of environmental lawyers, and we’ll need ’em in the coming years. Think of NRDC as the “ACLU of the environmental movement.”
  23. Attend the TOWN MEETINGS of US House Representatives and Senators. Dress up, come armed with facts, and bring a dozen friends.
  24. IF YOU LIVE IN DC, part 1: Fly the rainbow flag, so Pence will see LGBT support everywhere he goes. Get ’em in windows and get ’em on flagpoles, and if we get a couple thousand of ’em we can make this a national news story that highlights Pence’s homophobia. DC voted for HRC at 94%; let’s fly the colors so it LOOKS like we voted 94%.
  25. IF YOU LIVE IN DC, part 2: Put a sign in your window showing the popular vote totals and keep it there for four years. Keep reminding team Trump and his minions we…er…won…and he…er…won on a technicality.
  26. IF YOU LIVE IN DC, part 3: Attend the counter Trump demonstrations in DC. Opposition drives Trump crazy. Let’s see how many tweet storms we can generate.
  27. IF YOU LIVE IN DC, part 4: Make a custom bumper sticker for your car: LGBT yes PENCE no. Love Trumps Hate. Etc.
  28. IF YOU LIVE IN DC, part 5: Give business to Comet Ping Pong, a great pizza place which has been unfairly attacked by 100% BS right-wing conspiracy stories, stories which drove a man wielding a gun to show up to “self-investigate.”  Don’t let the nuts drive this place out of business.
  29. EMAIL AND CALL SMARTLY: Don’t wear your partisanship on your sleeve, it makes you less effective. If you are calling about renewable energy say “America needs the jobs renewable energy brings and wind and solar entrepreneurs deserve our support”. If you are calling to push Congress to investigate Trump’s shady business deals, say “Congress has a moral responsibility to do this”. Quote the Bible, it carries weight with these gents.
  30. Don’t be a free press freeloader, part 1. GIVE your $$$ to the NY Times and the Washington Post. Pay for the premium subscriptions.
  31. Don’t be a free press freeloader, part 2: GIVE to National Public Radio (NPR).
  32. Keep up with new actions as they are posted, take them, and spread them.
  33. Tell your slacktivist friends to put up or shut up. You know ’em. The friend who comes to dinner and kvetches about the world but has never made a phone call, sent an email, donated or volunteered on a campaign or written a letter to the editor. If you aren’t willing to act you aren’t permitted to complain.
  34. Turn Facebook anger into real action. EVERY TIME you post an article or meme on Facebook bellyaching about team Trump, take a REAL action. Email an elected official or the White House.
  35. Twitter has gone on record, saying it would consider banning him if he violated their terms of service re: abuse.  Hold them to that.
  36. Make a pledge now to volunteer for a 2018 campaign. Keep that pledge.
  37. VISIT your Congressional office. If it’s the GOP, dress up be polite, wear a flag pin and tell them to uphold family values. If it’s on the Democratic side, TALK to the staff, ask them what they need YOU to do to get involved, and tell them you are willing to help.
  38. KEEP AN ACTIVIST DIARY: Sure, we are mad as hell now, but we won’t be as mad in 6 months, so record all your actions. When you see yourself slacking off (oops, no entries for a month), get back on the email/phone/letter writing horse.
  39. ON ISSUES YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT: Don’t just call your GOP Senator, ask to speak to the staff person who handles that issue. Don’t just rant at them, engage in actual conversation. Try to be persuasive.
  40. Concerned about climate change? Write a letter and call your local tv station and tell them you’d like your weatherman/woman to incorporate climate change into the weather coverage.
  41. Help this horse’s ass get more FB fans than Trump
  42. Feeling rage?  Then “rage donate” to your favorite Trump-fighting organizations.
  43. Tell Democratic Senators to block all of Trump’s Supreme Court picks.  They can do it, as long as the filibuster is still in place. Republicans blocked Obama’s pick, so if that’s how they want to play, game on.
  44. Pledge to volunteer 306 hours over Trump’s term to fight back against Trump’s message of anger and division.
  45. Join your local Democratic organization. If there isn’t one, start one!
  46. Make a donation to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors and legally fights hate groups all over the country.
  47. Track what your state legislature is doing.  Support the bills you like, and fight the bills that need to be stopped.
  48. Make a pledge to, and try to convince Trump to retire before he takes office.
  49. Check out Wall of Us for “4 concrete acts of resistance a week”
  50. Keep abreast with the latest Trump corruption with
  51. Are you an American living in another country?  Join Democrats Abroad
  52. Set a weekly recurring “take action” appointment in your Outlook/Google/other calendar. Then come here and take at least one action.
  53. Add the phone numbers for your elected officials to your phone contacts, so you can speed dial them when you want to praise them or complain to them.
  54. Voice your opinion about the conflict of interest inherent in Trump’s being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice for NBC that is supposed to be reporting on him in an unbiased manner. There’s a online contact form for that:
  55. When buying gifts for those you love that “have everything”, either 1) make a donation to an organization that supports issues important to you (and hopefully your gift recipient) from ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center to FreePress, NPR, NRDC, WWF, etc. or 2) buy them a subscription to help support a free, independent press such as the NY Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, etc.
  56. A great site for tracking legislation, getting contact info for Congressmen/women or looking up their voting records, and finding out who’s on what committee is It’s non-profit, bipartisan, user-friendly and well designed. Check it out and consider making a donation to support it.
  57. Make sure everyone you know has photo i.d. and is registered to vote. If they don’t have government issued photo i.d. take them to a place where they can obtain the required documentation.
  58. Thank the journalists and public officials who investigate, criticize and stand up to Trump. We need to give each other support and moral courage in the face of this authoritarian liar who tries to escape accountability at every turn.
  59. Don’t waste time arguing online with right-wing trolls/Trumpets.  If you’re never going to convince them to change their minds, spend the time instead working to reach out to those persuadables in the middle, or helping to mobilize those already on our side.
  60. If  you find yourself trapped (say, at a family holiday dinner) by “fact deniers” who spew nonsense, don’t get mad, just make sure to “out-jackass” them.  When they say “President Obama was born in Kenya”, respond with, “oh yeah, well Trump is a lizard wearing a human skin suit! His birth certificate is forged!”  When they say (without any evidence) “Trump actually won the popular vote if you exclude the 3 million illegals who voted for him!” You respond, “No, Trump lost even bigger when you exclude the 7 million unicorns who voted for him!”  You’re never going to convince the fact-deniers anyway, so you might as well have some fun making them try to argue with absurdity for a change.
  61. Spread the word about the massive turnout for the “Women’s March on Washington“.
  62. Tired of seeing Trump?  This Chrome extension will turn pictures of Trump into pictures of kittens.
  63. When you get one of those group emails spouting some wildly nonsensical right-wing lie, check out Snopes, find the evidence to refute it, and politely “reply all” with it.  Odds are the knucklehead who sent it won’t care about actual facts, but even if you convince a few others on the thread that the message was BS, that’s worth it.
  64. Follow the Onion, and keep an eye out for its satirical takes on Trump’s nuttery.  And then share the heck out of them.  Humor can be a powerful way to pierce the veneer of cynicism people have when it comes to politics, and to get your message through.  And many people who might not respond to a straightforward argument might “get” this approach better.
  65. Join a union.  Or a church.  Or both. Help to build networks that can foster progressive change, and enable you to make connections with those who may not agree with us now, but who are potentially persuadable.
  66. Keep reminding Trump and Trump supporters that he lost the popular vote, and that he does not have anything close to a “mandate.”  There’s a reason this bothers him so much.
  67. Check out the 2020 election countdown clock every now and then, to remind yourself his term won’t last forever — and keep you sane.
  68. Or, keep an eye on the Trump Countdown Clock, and see how many days are left until a new president is inaugurated in 2021.
  69. Donate to the Environmental Defense Fund, and help them fight back against Trump’s team of climate deniers.
  70. Learn how to stand up for those being harassed.
  71. Join the Swing State Pledge group, and help get out the vote in swing states.
  72. Follow Kurt Eichenwald on Twitter.
  73. Follow the story re: Trump and Russian interference in the election.  This could heat up a lot as more shoes drop.
  74. Shop against Trump.  Make your dollars work against him.
  75. The “POTUS” Twitter handle switches from Obama to Trump on January 20th.  A good day to unfollow it, or flood it with “Delete your account” messages.
  76. Share Trump spoofs from SNL.  One, because they really annoy him, but more importantly, because they show him as the buffoon he is, helping reduce his approval (remember what they did for Sarah Palin)
  77. Urge your state to follow California’s lead, and insist that presidential candidates release their tax returns if they want to be on the 2020 ballot.
  78. Trump lied when he said Mexico would pay for a border wall — so tell him if he wants a wall, he should pay for it himself, not with tax dollars.
  79. Use the hashtag #GoldenGate.  It’ll drive them crazy.
  80. Share these photos
  81. Show your support for impeachment.  He’s earned it.
  82. These are pictures that Trump apparently hates, and doesn’t want people to share.  You know what to do.
  83. Start saving $10 a week right now for the 2018 mid-term election, and then donate it to your favorite Democratic Congressional candidates once they are chosen.
  84. Better yet, start donating to It Starts Today, and have them do it for you!
  85. Support Rep. Jamie Raskin, and his call for impeachment
  86. When people refer to him as “POTUS”, respond by calling him “PEE-TUS”.  It’ll drive them crazy.
  87. Remind people again and again that Trump’s inaugural crowd was waaaaaaaaaay lower than Obama’s. It drives them crazy.
  88. Speaking of crazy, meet Sean Spicer, Trump’s spokesman and a liar of epically comical proportions.  Make sure to mock him accordingly.
  89. Don’t just preach to the choir — get to know people who voted for Trump, and try to (politely) convince them to do otherwise if he runs again in 2020.  We’re not going to win them all over, but if we swing even 1%, that could make the difference.
  90. “Trump Hotel No-Show” – This is a suggestion from a reader: “Make a reservation at a Trump Hotel, and then cancel it at the last minute before you are actually charged anything (most hotels allow you to do so more than 24 hours before, but check carefully, as this can change). If we get enough people to do this, the hotel will always be stuck with empty rooms, meaning more lost income for the Donald.”
  91. Keep an eye on this lawsuit against Trump. This could get very big.
  92. Get ready to march again on April 15th
  93. Add “” to your email signature, so you can automatically help spread the word with every email.
  94. Once a week, copy this into a Facebook post: “99 ways to fight Trump. Do one.  Do them all.  But do something.
  95. When you hear Trump or his Trumpanzee followers spewing the lie that he won the popular vote, push back with this.
  96. Keep reminding Trump and his supporters that there were WAAAAAAAY more people at the Women’s March than at his inauguration.  He apparently is quite miffed about that.
  97. White House not picking up its calls?  Call Trump Tower instead.
  98. When Trump talks about “millions of illegal voters,” share this article to show that his claim is utter horse shit.
  99. Follow and share Trump Regrets on Twitter. Trump voters who now regret it.
  100. Wow, you made it all the way down here!  Now go back to the top and start working your way through the list again!
  101. (Stay tuned, we’ll be adding more as we build to 99 ways and beyond)


57 thoughts on “99 Ways to Fight Trump:

  1. Brilliant! Thank You! I’m printing it out (in larger type if I can) and hanging it on the file cabinet next tot the desk. Also signing up for email. Does that come through Word Press? I ask because someone posted this version to my Facebook page. Guess I’ll find out one way or another. Bless you and good luck!


  2. Thanks for making this list. Unfortunately I don’t have any suggestions to add, but a request. Can you consider adding in some suggestions for expats? Now is a lonely time to be living abroad and I really want to stay involved in protecting the things that make me proud of my country and fighting the things that embarrass me.


    1. If you are living abroad share how your host country views the U.S.’ decision. Share information on the importance of diplomacy in all its forms.


  3. Thanks for the great suggestions. It would be nice if you ditched the “lazy and elite” professor stereotype here, though. Every prof. I know is passionate AND active, in addition to working hard against ignorance and anti-intellectualism every day in the classroom… Doesn’t seem productive.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Related to #15, if you are a college student from a blue state but attending college in a red state, change your residency and register to vote in your ‘new’ state. The get all your college friends to do the same!
    – become an election inspector
    – ‘vote’ with your consumer choices; do not support any Trump businesses, support renewables, etc.
    – become a citizen journalist; pick a topic, a person in the administration, or a congressperson and follow their every move, tweet, vote; keep a file on them and let everyone know about it via social media; . transparency matters.


  5. I really like this list. Thank you. My suggestion would be “be informed and don’t let the fakers dominant the air with misinformation. Call them out where it is physically safe to do so.”


  6. Here are a few less-than-unique options, but viable nonetheless:

    1) Boycott all Trump brands, including those of his kids. There’s an app for that:

    2) Voice your opinion about the conflict of interest inherent in Trump’s being executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice for NBC that is supposed to be reporting on him in an unbiased manner. There’s a online contact form for that:


    1. Re Trump brands (good suggestion). Also consider all Koch Bros brands (and there are many)… as they have been bankrolling (in large part) the operations that have brought us to this anti-democracy debacle for over 20 years.


  7. make sure everyone you know has photo i.d. and is registered to vote. if they don’t have government issued photo i.d. take them to a place where they can obtain the required documentation.


  8. Such hate and dividing statements from people who are probably decent, hard working, caring people. Shame on you all. There is nothing to be gained by fanning the fires of hate. Help make this work – our children, grandchildren, the country and the world needs this to work. Where is the love you promote when the thoughts and words here are far from love?


    1. Nope. Too late for that. Here’s another one: call out the folks who ignore the past 8 years and say it’s time to come together and make this work. They’ll also spout “I voted for Obama” (they didn’t).


    2. I’m 67 handicapped and on Medicare SS and would still be on disability but that stops at 66. When he shows me some compassion instead of cutting my food, medicine and medical care I will believe he’s a Christian. What he has proposed will not in any way shape or form work.


  9. There are many constructive suggestions listed. I thank you for them. However to quote Michelle Obama, ‘ When they go LOW we go HIGH.’ I believe this is essential for justice, humanity, civility, and democracy. For that reason I suggest, treating everyone with respect , especially if you disagree with them. I believe it is not only possible, but much more effective to apply The Golden Rule to dealings in the public arena. Forget false tweets and unflattering photos, try using truth, use returning again and again to the essential issues, avoiding the distractions of Trump’s Tweets. Reacting to those allows him to set the agenda and keep us from substantive issues.


  10. Go to the state capitols if red states on December 19 to support Hamilton electors. Great numbers if peaceful people will make the electors feel more accountable to the People. Peacefully and respectfully remind the electors that the majority of Americans chose Hillary Clinton. Remind them of the myriad reasons why Trump is unfit for office. Remind them of their Constitutional duty to protect the USA from a demagogue who us unfit for office. Sing peaceful, patriotic songs while they cast their votes. Make it psychologically easier for them to do the right thing by showing support, and harder for them to vote for Trump because if they do, they will have betrayed the people.

    ALSO… THANK THE JOURNALISTS AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS WHO INVESTIGATE, CRITICIZE AND STAND UP TO TRUMP. We need to give each other support and moral courage in the face of this authoritarian liar who tries to escape accountability at every turn.


  11. As Siliva said, take these actions with respect to everyone. Trump is all about disrespect and we need to take actions constructively, but persistently. I have printed out the list and put on my refrigerator and will try to check off those actions I have taken. WE can make a change if we use our voices.


  12. I would like to print this to copy and distribute at my Democrats Women’s Club, but I can’t figure out how to convert to word, etc. . Is it possible to add a print option to your post?


  13. The new Trump Hotel, opened by the President Elect in Washington, D.C., is leased to him by the federal government. There’s a clause in the lease that says no elected official can have an interest in the hotel.

    TO DO:
    Email the GSA—General Services Administration—and urge them to terminate this lease before the inauguration. A receptionist at the GSA said they are taking a tally on this matter. She suggests that emailing is the most effective route for this is taking both names and phone numbers on this issue.

    Subject: Trump Hotel lease violation

    To Whom It May Concern:
    I write today to ask the GSA to immediately terminate the lease for the Trump Hotel at the former post office in Washington, D.C. The President Elect is in clear violation of the terms of the lease, which state that no elected official may have any interest in the leased property.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this email.


  14. re: #58. Shame journalists who attempt to normalize Trump by skirting the issues of his constant lying, conflicts of interest, implications of his choices for appointments. Contact them personally and contact executives at their organizations.


  15. re: #58. Shame journalists who attempt to normalize Trump by skirting the issues of his constant lying, conflicts of interest, implications of his choices for appointments. Contact them personally and contact executives at their organizations.


  16. Call your representative’s district office rather than their DC office. You’re more likely to have a conversation with someone and that’s much more effective than signing online petitions that go automatically batched and ignored.

    Take or send cookies or popcorn or some other treat to your representative’s office with a note that says “Make America Kind Again.”

    If you see a woman wearing a hijab tell her how beautiful she looks and how much you admire her courage.

    Get a bumper sticker, tee-shirt or yard sign that says, “Decent is patriotic” or “No Mandate” or “2 Million+”.


  17. Consider all of the internal contradictions in the Trump policy and leverage them. For example: All energy sources should be on equal footing i.e. end subsidies for solar energy. Therefore mandates for ethanol content in gasoline should be removed. Many of the non-corn state republicans hate ethanol requirements. The corn state republicans love them. Another example – end crop price supports. It’s socialism. This will kill his support in the agricultural center.

    Think what will divide republicans and is consistent with a public Trump statement. Publicize it.


  18. What about car pooling, using electric cars, metro, walking or biking to cut down on gas usage? What about going solar? It would help fight global warming and put a dent in his plans at the same time. He’s obviously supported by and part of the oil industry.


  19. Do not forget about people in other countries that are supporting anti-Trump causes. Trump affects us too. We want to help. I am a Canadian and would love to help more! There are many more of us.


  20. I love this list but I cannot stand to look at this person’s face. How do I post this to my fb timeline without the photo?


  21. Participate in the Women’s March on Washington on January 21, 2017 by either traveling along in support or contributing to help offset the expenses of the attendees. Over a million American women will be traveling to Wasington, DC in protest.


  22. John, I have three requests/suggestions regarding your web page here:

    1. Please consolidate the two comments sections (one at the top, one at the bottom). I very nearly missed the top comments link, and that’s the only one where you’ve posted your own responses, but the bottom comments section has more entries. In addition to making it easier on visitors combining the sections will increase the displayed count of comment posts, which might help attract interest.

    2. Either display the most recent comments automatically or make the comments link a more prominent, visually and verbally. There’s a lot of good stuff that people who come to your page might miss with the current layout.

    3. Please consider avoiding the use of profanity, even milder words.

    Thank you,



    “Phoning our legislators, as New York Times recently reported*, is an extremely effective way to make our voices heard. That’s where the Daily Action alerts come in. We follow the news cycles closely to determine where we can collectively make the greatest impact. The point of Daily Action alerts is to make civic engagement easy and logistically painless…

    “You will … receive one text message every workday about an issue that we have determined to be urgent based on where you live. You tap on the phone number in your message, listen to a short recording about that day’s issue, and from there you’ll be automatically routed to your Senator, member of Congress, or other relevant elected official. In 90 seconds, you can conscientiously object and be done with it.”

    I haven’t yet received my first daily action recommendation so I can’t report on their system, but maybe we should all sign up just to get the ball rolling.

    (Apologies if someone has already recommended dailyaction, but I didn’t find it.)


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